Goal 17: Strengthen the means of implementation and renew the global partnership for sustainable development
To be successful, the sustainable development agenda requires partnerships between governments, the private sector and civil society. These inclusive partnerships, built on principles and values, a common vision and shared goals, putting people and the planet at the centre, are needed at global, regional, national and local levels.
Urgent action is needed to mobilize, redirect and unleash the transformative power of trillions of dollars of private resources to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.
Long-term investment, including foreign direct investment, is needed in key sectors, especially in developing countries. These sectors include sustainable energy, infrastructure and transport, as well as information and communication technologies.
The public sector will need to set a clear direction. The auditing and monitoring systems, regulations and incentive structures that allow for such investments need to be redesigned in order to attract investment and enhance sustainable development. National oversight mechanisms such as supreme audit institutions and the oversight functions of legislatures should be strengthened.
Facts and figures
- Funds for development assistance totaled $135.2 billion in 2014, highest level on record
- The 79% of imports from developing countries enter developed countries duty-free
- The debt burden on developing countries remains stable at around 3% of export-related revenues
- The number of internet users in Africa has nearly doubled in the past four years
- The 30% of young people in the world are digital natives, active online for at least five years
- More than 4 billion people, however, do not use the internet, and 90 percent of these are from developing regions.
1. Finance
17.1 Strengthen domestic resource mobilization including through international assistance to developing countries to enhance their domestic fiscal capacity and revenue collection
17.2 Developed countries must meet their official development aid commitments, including the target of allocating 0.7 percent of gross national income for Official Development Assistance (ODA/GNI) to developing countries and 0.15 to 0.20 percent of ODA/GNI to least developed countries; global providers of official development assistance are urged to provide at least 0.20 per cent of ODA/GNI to least developed countries
17.3 Mobilize additional economic resources for developing countries from multiple sources
17.4 Assist developing countries in sustaining their long-term debt through coordinated policies to stimulate debt financing, reduction and restructuring, and address the external debt of the poorest and most heavily indebted countries in order to reduce their debt weight
17.5 Adopt and implement investment promotion schemes for least developed countries
2. Technology
17.6 Strengthen North-South, South-South cooperation, triangular regional and international cooperation and access to scientific discoveries, technology and innovations, and improve knowledge sharing on the basis of agreed modalities through enhanced coordination between mechanisms already existing especially at the United Nations level and through a global mechanism for access to technology
17.7 Promote the growth, exchange and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies in developing countries under favorable conditions, through mutually agreed concessional and preferential agreements
17.8 By 2017, operationalize the technology-strengthening mechanism of the bank and science, technology and innovation for the least developed countries and enhance the use of advanced technology especially in information and communications
3. Development skills
17.9 Enhance international support for implementing effective and targeted capacity building in developing countries to support national plans for the realization of all Sustainable Development Goals, through North-South, South-South and triangular cooperation
4. Trade
17.10 Promote a universal, regulated, open, non-discriminatory and multilateral trading system under the supervision of the World Trade Organization, through negotiations under the Doha Development Agenda
17.11 Significantly increase emerging market exports and double their share of global exports by 2020
17.12 Timely implement durable duty-free and quota-free market access for least developed countries, consistent with the decisions of the World Trade Organization, ensuring that preferential rules applicable to imports from least developed countries are simple and transparent and contribute to facilitate access to markets
5. Systemic issues
1. Political and institutional coherence
17.13 Promote global macroeconomic stability through coordination and policy coherence
17.14 Increase policy coherence for sustainable development
17.15 Respect the political space and leadership of each country to establish and implement policies for poverty alleviation and sustainable development
2. Plurilateral Collaboration Programs
17.16 Strengthen the global partnership for sustainable development, supported by plurilateral collaborations that develop and share knowledge, expertise, technological and financial resources, to achieve the goals for sustainable development in all countries, especially in emerging countries
17.17 Encourage and promote effective public sector, public-private and civil society partnerships building on the experience of partnerships and their ability to find resources
3. Data, Tracking and Accountability
17.18 By 2020, strengthen support for the development of emerging countries, least developed countries and small island developing states (SIDS). Increase the availability of high-quality, immediate and reliable data beyond income, gender, age, race, ethnicity, migration status, disability, geographic location and other characteristics relevant in the national context
17.19 By 2030, build on existing initiatives to develop measures of progress in sustainable development that complement gross domestic product, and support the development capacity of emerging countries